We shouldn't have to ask, but you should! When you donate to your local church or temple, you do so with the expectation that they will take those funds and use them for the less fortunate. Perhaps those families in our community who are homeless or living with disabilities.
So what happens when we have a crisis and we need to use those resources? Well Matthew's Hope found out first hand in the last few months when we had to open up as an emergency shelter during the hurricanes and cold weather. On January 21st, Matthew’s Hope in Winter Garden reached capacity in sheltering homeless men, women and children of our community just needing a safe and warm place to stay for a few nights. They made it work but they used every inch of their facilities. When they asked for other ministries for help, they were met with more excuses than dollars or even space.

Matthew's Hope offered to shower them, cloth them, feed them, and transport them for the evening, and pick them up in the morning before breakfast. Despite their efforts, only a few organizations stepped up. Which leaves us with a major question...WHY?!
WHY, if you have the space, and it's not being used, would you not help those in our community who need you?
WHY would you collect money from hard working people in your congregation for the purpose of doing "God's work", and then not use those resources for those less fortunate?
WHY, would you give another faith based organization excuses, rather than a helping hand?
Matthew's Hope treats every donation like an investment. Our donors are free to visit and follow us on social media so they can witness first hand how we are using their money to help others. For those few organizations that did step up, thank you. As for the others, do better. We can't do it alone.